Ultrashort pulse laser kit

Mode Locked Ti:sapphire Laser Kit (Wavelength 0.8 μm)

This is Mode Locked Ti:sapphire Laser Kit (Wavelength 0.8 μm) with both compact size and stable output. By using Kerr lens mode-locking as the principle of generating ultrafast, stable femtosecond pulses with a wavelength of 0.8um can be obtained. And it can also be used as a master oscillator for regenerative amplifiers.

Model number:MLti-kit
Price:US$ 35,000 (Excluding tax)


Mode Locked Yb Fiber Laser Kit (Wavelength 1.0 μm)

This is fs fiber laser oscillator kit to be used at University laboratory or  R&D dept of Private enterprise.

Model number:FL-MLYb-kit
Price:US$ 9,800 (Excluding tax)

Small-size Mode Locked Yb Fiber Laser Kit (Wavelength 1.0 μm)

This is downsize mode of Mode Locked Yb Fiber Laser Kit (Wavelength 1.0 μm).
Longer stability and less influence from external are available dueo to the housinge,structure.

Model number:FL-MLYb-kit-s
Price:US$ 13,800 (Excluding tax)


Mode Locked Er Fiber Laser Kit (Wavelength 1.5 μm)

You can purchase a 1.5 μm band ultrafast fiber laser for less than US$ 5,000 (tax-included).
Because all electric parts necessary for a 1.5 μm band ultrafast fiber laser are included in this kit, saving the bothersome work to select suitable optical parts,
You will be able to easily accumulate laser light source developing knowhow while you mount the Kit by yourself.

Model number:FL-MLEr-kit
Price:US$ 4,600 (Excluding tax)

PM-type Mode Locked Er Fiber Laser Kit (Wavelength 1.5 μm)

Ultrafast laser(such as Femtosecond laser / picosecond laser) will cost from several millions to US$ 100,000 as finished products. This product (Er fiber laser kit) can compose Femtosecond laser and picosecond laser with only US$ 9,800.It can be build according to manual instruction and will help you to learn development skill on laser light source, Since it has Kit format and high flexibility, rearrangement on components is available.

Model number:FL-MLEr-kit-PM
Price:US$ 9,800 (Excluding tax)