Laser Beam Profiler

Laser Beam Profiler is an instrument that measures the beam diameter and spatial intensity distribution of a laser. The beam diameter and spatial intensity distribution are laser characteristics that describe how the beam will behave.

For example, even if a laser has the same intensity and beam diameter, if the spatial intensity distribution is different, the focusing characteristics will change, and the same behavior will not be obtained. In addition, even if the laser cavity is rigorously designed, it is affected by manufacturing errors in the optical elements and the surrounding environment such as temperature. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately predict the beam characteristics to be obtained.

For this reason, it is important to measure the actual beam characteristics in laser beam applications.
A Laser Beam Profiler is used to measure the beam characteristics.

Principle of Laser Beam Profiler

Laser Beam Profiler / Kokyo products features

  1. Beam diameter 2 μm 〜 200 mm measurable
  2. Wavelength 190 nm 〜 16 μm measurable
  3. Customization available on both software and hardware
Appearance and composition of Laser Beam Profiler

Software screen and how around 15 mm diameter beam is measuredSoftware screen and how around 15 mm diameter beam is measured
Software screen and how multipoint beam is measuredSoftware screen and how multipoint beam is measured

Laser Beam Profiler / Kokyo products line-up


Commercially sold low-cost camera is available as Laser Beam Profiler. Multiple cameras can be connected to Single software.

Camera set

Most suitable camera is selected for each condition, such as laser wavelength, beam diameter and pulse/CW.

Camera + optical system

Beam diameter (2 μm 〜 200 mm), wavelength (190 nm〜16 μm) and power (〜1 kW) are measurable.
Laser Beam Profiler, which can measure the largest beam in the world is also available.

Laser Beam Profiler selection / wavelength x beam diameter

Selection by wavelength and beam diameter wavelength
190 – 400 nm 400 – 1100 nm 900 – 1700 nm (NIR) 2 – 16 μm (MIR)
Beam diameter 2 μm~ 100 μm
5 μm~ 100 μm (NIR)
Micro beam diameter measurement optical system set
Micro beam diameter measurement optical system set
Micro beam diameter measurement optical system set
Custom correspondence
30 μm~ 5 mm
200 μm~ 5 mm (NIR)
90 μm~ 12 mm (MIR)
Femtosecond pulse
condensed light
Camera set
Camera set
Camera set
Parallel light Custom correspondence
5 mm ~ 10 mm Laser Beam Profiler
with UV converter
*corresponding to
200 – 390 nm
LaseView with Screen Reduction Converter for LED measurement
*corresponding to
400 – 800nm / 800 – 1000nm,
Please indicate the wavelength you require.
1 mm ~ 50 mm
3 mm ~ 50 mm (NIR)
Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter and high-power
Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter and high-power(NIR)
Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter and high-power
Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter and high-power
(High heat-resistant type, ~100 kW/cm2)
Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter
and high-power (Wide wavelength)
1 m ~ 100 mm
3 mm ~ 100 mm (NIR)
Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter and high-power
Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter and high-power(NIR)
Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter and high-power(Wide angle of incidence version, ~±70°)
Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter
and high-power (Wide wavelength)
1 mm ~ 200 mm Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter and high-power
Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter and high-power(Wide wavelengths)

Laser Beam Profiler selection / wavelength x power

Selection by wavelength and power wavelength
190 – 400 nm 400 – 1100 nm 1060 – 1080 nm 900 – 1700 nm (NIR)
power Laser Beam Profiler with M2 platform software
< 100 mW ND filter set(NDFS-CA50)
< 1 W< 10 W Attenuating optics set with beam splitter
< 100 W Attenuation optics set with double beam splitter
< 10 W Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter
and high-power
Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter
and high-power(NIR)
Laser Beam Profiler for large diameter
and high-power
< 600 W Laser Beam Profiler for 600W fiber laser
< 1k W Contact us

Laser Beam Profiler / Type and Pros & Cons

Fixed Laser Beam Profiler system with CCD camera is adopted on Kokyo’s products.
Here are advantages and disadvantages between scanning Laser Beam Profiler system and fixed Laser Beam Profiler’s one.

Advantage Disadvantage
Fixed Laser Beam Profiler
・CCD camera type
  • Short measurement time
  • Pulse light measurable
  • Complicated beam pattern identifiable
    (flat-top or donut-shaped etc)
  • High-cost
  • Micro beam diameter measurement is difficult

※ Kokyo’s Laser Beam Profiler is low-cost and can measure large beam diameter

Scanning Laser Beam Profiler
・Pinhole type
・Slit type
・Knife Edge type
  • Easy measurement
    on Micro beam diameter
  • Short measurement time
  • Pulse light measurement is difficult
  • Complicated beam pattern measurement is difficult

Laser Beam Profiler of Kokyo / Merit & Advantage

Commercially sold CCD camera or CMOS camera is available on Kokyo’s Laser Beam Profiler and so,
low-cost and practical beam measuring system can be easily structured.

Also, due to low-cost cameras, beam monitoring system with multiple cameras can be structured with low-cost on Kokyo’s system.

Kokyo’s product Conventional one
Sales in combination 1. Software  only
2. Software and camera
3. Software, camera and optical system
Software and camera only
CCD camera by third company
M2 beam quality
measuring function

(standard installation with software)

(separate purchase)
minimum beam diameter
2 μm – 30 μm –
maximum beam diameter
– 200 mm – 24 mm
maximum power
~ 600 W
Language Same as language on PC
(English description is shown if it is English PC.
Japanese is shown if it is Japanese PC)

Laser Beam Profiler of Kokyo / Customer’s Reviews

  • Camera is inexpensive, so don’t worry about breaking it.
  • Camera can be used as disposable.
  • Easy to prepare.
  • The software is intuitive and easy to use.
  • Inexpensive.
  • M2 beam quality measurement is included as a standard feature, which is very nice.
  • The evaluation results showed that the software works as expected, so we have just ordered the software. (used the evaluation version before purchasing)
  • Kokyo’s Laser Beam Profiler has been installed into our device and we find it very useful.
  • Just Irradiating large diameter laser light makes easy measurement.
  • This is only product/device to be able to evaluate laser from LiDAR and we find it vey helpful

Laser Beam Profiler of Kokyo / Our customers

  • Leibniz University Hannover
  • LMU Munich
  • University of Vienna
  • Victoria University of Wellington
  • Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences Academia Sinica
  • University of Southampton(Britain)
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR, Germany)
  • Institute of Physics AS CR, v.v.i. (Czech Republic)
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
  • Osaka University
  • Kyushu University
  • Kyoto University
  • Kyoto Institute of Technology
  • Shinshu University
  • Nagoya University
  • University of Electro-Communications
  • The University of Tokyo
  • Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Sophia University
  • The Graduate University for the Creation of New Photonics Industries
  • Hiroshima University
  • University of Fukui
  • Yamagata University
  • University of the Ryukyus
  • Utsunomiya University
  • Saga University
  • Japan Coast Guard (JCG)
  • National Institute for Fusion Science
  • National Institute for Materials Science
  • Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
  • National Institute of Laser Science and Technology
  • National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
  • Japan Atomic Energy Agency
  • National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
  • Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
  • Quantum Science and Technology Research Organization
  • National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
  • Japan Coast Guard Headquarters
  • Manufacturer of optical systems for information equipment and industrial applications
  • Manufacturer of optical product research and development
  • Israeli defense equipment manufacturer
  • Major electronics manufacturer
  • Major manufacturing manufacturer
  • Leading manufacturer of measuring instruments
  • Leading manufacturer of electronic measuring instruments
  • Manufacturer of optical products
  • Taiwanese electronics manufacturer
  • Korean general home appliance manufacturer
  • Other domestic and foreign private companies

Laser Beam Profiler of Kokyo / Usage videos

Measurement of scanning laser

“Introduction of the large diameter Laser Beam Profiler (LaseView-LHB) for evaluation of laser scanners, various light sources”

“Introduction of Laseview-LHB”

“Usage example of Laseview-LHB”

“Selection of products”

Laser Beam Profiler of Kokyo / Distributors

All Kokyo products are available directly from Kokyo, Inc. We accepts orders from all domestic and international customers.
To place an order, please write to us. Feel free to contact us with pre-purchase questions. We look forward to hearing from you.

Or purchase from one of our distributers.
We have distribution channels of “Laser Beam Profiler LaseView series” as below.


Dylan Hong

327, 5, Beobwon-ro 4-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel : +82 070 7779-4500
Fax : +82 42 367 4300


Bernd Dietz

Geschäftsführer / Managing Director
nortus Optronic GmbH
In den Niederwiesen 4a
D-76744 Wörth am Rhein
Tel : +49-7271-12990-0
Fax : +49-7271-12990-19